Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Hello, Sweden!

According to Blogger Stats, this past week I've had nearly 2000 views from IP addresses in Sweden.  This is multiples of my usual entire readership and quite the surprise.  I'm not certain what is happening, but thank you for your interest.  😁

[Now if someone would please drop a comment on the blog that might explain the sudden influx of views, I would be greatly appreciative.  It really has me scratching my head.]


  1. Robot scanning your sight. I once a post get 1300 views overnight from Holland. The post was the eulogy I wrote for my best friend and gaming buddy almost 40 years.

  2. I am inclined to think you are correct, as I've noticed spikes in views periodically in the past, but those were usually around 300 views and on a single day, nothing like what I'm seeing this week. I'm wondering if I ended up as a target for a class project of some sort.

  3. A week later and I'm still getting big numbers from Sweden, so no idea what is going on.

    Once again, I say "Hello, Sweden!"
