Friday, January 28, 2022

Ratpack – Shattered Star Book 2, Session 43

[Pressed for time but I wanted to get this out this week.  Proper format and edit to follow tomorrow.]

[Day 66 Continues – The Ratpack confronts She!]

[This game uses the Pathfinder 1E roleplaying game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  This session happened November 15, 2021.]

[SPOILERS!  If you are likely to adventure through the Shattered Star Adventure Path from Paizo, this campaign will be spoilers all the way down.]

Player Characters

Marativy – female ratfolk 7th level Ninja

Zitch Grimreaper – male ratfolk 7th level Witch with a donkey rat (capybara) familiar

Roscuro – male ratfolk 7th level Monk

Swamprover – female grippli 6th level Wizard

Hrefna – female changeling 6th level Omdura

Via Roll20

Templeton von Trapp – male ratfolk 7th level Summoner (Synthesist)


Gridik Stormstride – male blue kobold 5th level Wizard (Invoker)

Ariphi – female tiefling 6th level Rogue

Mel Sharples – male halfling Cook (Expert of unknown level)

Alice Hyatt – female halfling Bodyguard (Warrior of unknown level)

Flo’ Castleberry – female gnome Bodyguard (Warrior of unknown level)


Day 66


“I am Oriana, and if you will let me, I will fight at your side.”

With those words, the leader of the Grey Maidens threw her lot in with the Ratpack.  Marativy confiscated Oriana’s discarded sword and proceeded to loot the bodies of the dead Grey Maidens.  Zitch used several healing hexes on Oriana who appreciated the healing.  Roscuro talked with Oriana while the others went about preparing for the next fight.

Gridik used his pearl of Power to restore a casting of Magic Missile to his memory.  Swamprover and Zitch cast Detect Magic and searched the area.  They discovered that Oriana’s sword was magical, as was a floating point in the room.  They identified the floating point as a sensor for a spell, meaning Sorshen was spying on the group and knew that Oriana had switched sides.  Marativy and Zitch also explored the last room on this level, which was Oriana’s bedroom.

Oriana herself was not much help regarding information about how to get to Sorshen.  Apparently Sorshen teleported her minions where she needed them to go and none ever got a feel for where things were or how to get around without being teleported.  Roscuro was less than impressed.

Once the group was ready to continue, they set to solving the riddle of getting to the next area.  The two central rooms of this floor [the rooms that were not receiving areas for the teleportation area below] each had a mosaic of a snake on the floor and a pedestal with a disk on top in the center.  Oriana wasable to share that the disks turned the floor mosaics.  The Ratpack first turned one of the mosaics and then the other [it took several working on it at a time to turn the floors] until the heads of each snake were closest to each other.  This caused a gold mist to appear in the doorway between the two rooms.

The adventurers waited until their magic items finally reactivated from the Dispel Magic effect they suffered teleporting to this floor.  Several adventurers activated defensive magic items.  Oriana asked to have her sword back so she could fight Sorshen.  Marativy argued against this, having taken the greatest injuries for Oriana prior to her switching sides.  Oriana presented a fair case that she would be most useful with the sword and none of the Ratpack actually used longswords as weapons.  Roscuro found this compelling and handed the sword back to Oriana.  Then the group stepped into the golden mist.

When they reappeared, they were standing on another snake mosaic on the edge of a circular, domed room.  Clothes and pieces of armor were strewn around the room.  Off to their left, against the wall was an area raised a foot above the rest of the floor upon which sat an enormous four-poster bed with a canopy suspended from the posts.  Reclining on the bed was Sorshen.

Sorshen started talking rather than fighting, so the adventurers responded.  Roscuro explained the group was here for a metal shard, describing the shard in question.  She refused to part with the shard and started monologuing.  This was when Roscuro decided the conversation was going nowhere useful for the adventurers and went to attack.

Noticing the shift in stance, Sorshen cast Confusion on the group and then flew 15 feet up into the air.  Not bothered by the height differential, Roscuro focused his ki and leapt straight at Sorshen…just missing her and crashing down onto the bed.  Marativy advanced on Sorshen.  Swamprover cast Fireball, catching Sorshen, Marativy, and Roscuro in the effect.  Roscuro evaded the effects entirely, but Marativy and Sorshen only avoided half the effect. Templeton pounced at Sorshen and clawed her multiple times.  She seemed immune to the cold effects from his claws, but he was able to get her to start bleeding.  Zitch placed Protective Luck on Templeton.  Hrefna, confused, swung at Ariphi but missed.  Oriana, fully under the effect of the spell, babbled.

Sorshen fluttered back from Templeton, bleeding, and cast Fireball, hitting several of the adventurers and dropping Gridik.  Roscuro leapt up to the canopy and walked the supports to get closer to Sorshen.  Marativy joined Roscuro up on the canopy, which brought her close enough to attack and critically hit Sorshen.  Swamprover moved to get a better angle [and to not be bunched up with the others] and cast Lightning Bolt at Sorshen, but the bolt fizzled on Sorshen’s spell resistance.  Gridik slowly bled.  Ariphi attacked Hrefna and hit her.  Templeton cast Haste on Roscuro, Marativy, himself, and Zitch [the group not taken out by the Confusion spell].  Zitch moved up to Gridik and cast a Healing Hex on the kobold, keeping him from bleeding to death and bringing him back into the fight.  Hrefna attempted to strike back at Ariphi and missed while Oriana attacked herself.

Sorshen fluttered away from Marativy [still bleeding] standing on the canopy and then attacked Templeton, dazing him.  Roscuro leapt from the canopy onto the back of the hovering Templeton and struck Sorshen.  Marativy leapt across to Templeton’s back and also struck Sorshen [doing Sneak Attack damage due to the Ratfolk Swarming trait].  Swamprover cast Acid Arrow at Sorshen but Sorshen was immune to its effects [due to 10 points of Energy Resistance].  Gridik cast Invisibility upon himself and stood up.  Zitch put Protective Luck on Hrefna as she, Ariphi, and Oriana started fighting amongst themselves due to the Confusion effect.

Sorshen dropped her appearance as Sorshen and revealed herself to be an alu-fiend.  She clawed at Marativy and hit twice, despite Roscuro and Templeton bodyguarding Marativy.  Roscuro focused his ki and then made a flurry of blows, hitting the alu-fiend twice.  Marativy also performed a full round of attacks, hitting critically, which allowed Roscuro to land an Outflank attack in on the alu-fiend.  Gridik cast Dispel Magic to free Hrefna from the Confusion, but was unable to overcome the effect.  Templeton needed to close with the alu-fiend to attack, which dislodged Marativy from his back [her ring of feather falling protecting her from the fall].  Unfortunately, all of Templeton’s attacks failed to connect.  Zitch cast Protective Luck on Roscuro and cackled to maintain the effect on Hrefna.  Hrefna dropped Ariphi in the fight of the confused but was in turn dropped by Oriana.

Still bleeding, the alu-fiend fluttered down closer to Marativy to attack her, hitting twice again.  Roscuro attacked with a flurry of blows, hitting the alu-fiend three times.  Marativy moved to flank the alu-fiend, which triggered an attack of opportunity from the alu-fiend who hit and dropped Marativy.  Swamprover ran over to Marativy to render aid.  Gridik moved to a better spot and cast Fire Breath, overcoming the alu-fiend’s spell resistance!  Templeton clawed at her and hit twice.  Zitch moved to Marativy and cast Cure Moderate Wounds, bringing Marativy back to consciousness.  Ariphi stabilized and stopped bleeding [at -3 hit points].  Oriana babbled to herself.

The alu-fiend fluttered away from her attackers and cast Confusion again, catching Gridik and Marativy this time.  Roscuro delayed to allow Templeton to move closer to the alu-fiend.  Marativy, confused, attacked Zitch and hit him.  Swamprover, taking not of Grigik’s success, cast Fire Breath and caught the alu-fiend in the effect.  Gridik was able to have a moment of clarity in his confusion and cast Snow Ball at the alu-fiend, dropping her.

The adventurers then had to wait for the confusion effects to wear off while keeping anyone confused from harming anyone else or themselves.  Roscuro made use of his Stunning Fist attack to speed this up.  Once Hrefna was coherent, she immediately activated her healing aura, healing most of the damage taken in the fight.

[It was late, so we had to pause here.]

End of Session

Rat Whispers

[This session was mostly the big fight, which is why I detailed it out.  Next session will be the looting and wrapping up some loose ends – like the pyrohydra!]


Book 1:

Session 01 – Start

Session 32 – Conclusion

Book 2:

Session 1

Session 10

Session 20

Session 30

Session 40

Session 41

Session 42

Session 44

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ratpack – Shattered Star Book 2, Session 42

[Day 66 Starts – Last Stand of the Grey Maidens]

[This game uses the Pathfinder 1E roleplaying game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  This session happened November 8, 2021.]

[SPOILERS!  If you are likely to adventure through the Shattered Star Adventure Path from Paizo, this campaign will be spoilers all the way down.]

Player Characters

Via Roll20

Roscuro – male ratfolk 7th level Monk

Hrefna – female changeling 6th level Omdura

Swamprover – female grippli 6th level Wizard

Templeton von Trapp – male ratfolk 7th level Summoner (Synthesist)

Marativy – female ratfolk 7th level Ninja

Zitch Grimreaper – male ratfolk 7th level Witch with a donkey rat (capybara) familiar


Gridik Stormstride – male blue kobold 5th level Wizard (Invoker)

Ariphi – female tiefling 6th level Rogue

Mel Sharples – male halfling Cook (Expert of unknown level)

Alice Hyatt – female halfling Bodyguard (Warrior of unknown level)

Flo’ Castleberry – female gnome Bodyguard (Warrior of unknown level)


Day 66


Over breakfast, the Ratpack discussed adventure options for the day.  Templeton was interested in going after the hydra [he was concerned someone else would kill it first], but the rest of the group was not interested in wasting a day in camp until the beast returned to its lair [without Winston, the group had no real tracking skills].  As a result, the group settled on finishing off the dungeon and then, if they still had the juice, going after the hydra.

The spellcasters spent some time adjusting their spell selections [which had been optimized for attacking the hydra the day before].  Once they were ready, the adventurers set out for the troglodyte cave entrance to the deep tunnels and the dungeon.

Late Morning

After a couple hours of walking and working their way through the dungeon, the Ratpack arrived back at the Riddle Room.  Having worked out the riddle solution the previous day, the adventurers embraced the correct statues, activating the golden mist teleportation area.  Marativy volunteered to go through the portal first, while invisible.  Zitch placed his ward on her and used the earrings of telepathy to establish a mental communication link with her.  She then stepped into the gold mist and disappeared.

The telepathic link immediately dropped…

…but the ward did not.

This was an unexpected result.  The fact that the ward was still up indicated that Marativy arrived where she was going safely, but they could not communicate with her.  Roscuro waited all of 30 seconds before stepping into the gold mist himself, followed seconds later by Zitch and Hrefna and then Gridik.

Roscuro appeared in a 7-sided room with a red cobra mosaic on the floor and single red metal door out.  There was no sign of Marativy, which Roscuro did not find very worrying as she would still be invisible.  What was slightly worrying was that his few magic items were no longer working.  Having no better options, Roscuro went over to the red metal door and pushed it open.

The door opened to another 7-sided room.  A second red metal door was on the far side of the room from Roscuro.  Standing in an open doorway to Roscuro’s right were two Grey Maidens guards.  They drew their weapons and took defensive positions.  Roscuro asked, “Hey, is your boss available?”  One of them asked, “Who asks?” to which Roscuro answered, “Roscuro of Magnimar.”  They had a short conversation with someone in the next room in a language Roscuro did not know.

While the conversation was going on, Roscuro noticed the other red metal door quietly open.  He could see Gridik standing there, silently asking if he should step in.  Roscuro indicated he should wait.

One of the guards turned back to Roscuro and told him to step into the center of the room while their commander was summoned.  Roscuro did so, surreptitiously waving Gridik back into his room.  Gridik got most of the message and hid behind the ajar door.  Hrefna, who had appeared in the room behind Roscuro and was listening mis-read the room entirely.  She angrily stepped out into the room Roscuro was now standing in and demanded to be taken to the guard's superior immediately [she pulled a Karen].  This raised tension immediately.

As the Grey Maiden commander was approaching from a room further back, Marativy and Zitch stepped out of another arrival room into the room the commander was walking through.  The commander called out that it was an ambush and ordered the Grey Maidens to attack!

Roscuro attempted to be diplomatic and stop the fight before it started, but no one was listening [I rolled a total of 5 on the check].  While the fighting started around him and spells started flying, Roscuro held his ground and made a last ditch attempt to stop the fight but it was too little too late [and my roll was a 4 this time].  The Grey Maidens ignored Roscuro and moved to attack Swamprover, who had finally teleported in and joined the fight whole-heartedly.  The Grey Maiden hit and nearly dropped Swamprover, which was when Roscuro gave up on diplomacy and decided to beat some sense into them with his fists.

The Ratpack quickly dropped the Grey Maiden guards, leaving only their very capable commander.  They focused on her and wore her down until, near death, she threw down her sword and said, “Make it quick.”

The fighting paused and Hrefna [finally reading the room correctly] diplomatically spoke to the commander, explaining the adventurers were not servants of Sorshen and in fact sought to stop her.  A small flicker of hope appeared in the eyes of the commander.  “I am Oriana, and if you will let me, I will fight at your side.”

End of Session

Rat Whispers

[So my winter holiday was consumed by family and friends.  We planned on spending two days at a friends to watch Marvel shows, but one had a work-related Covid scare.  By the time they were cleared, it was New Years and the days I had set aside for writing were used watching Wandavision, Loki, and the Black Widow movie (which I missed in theaters).  Happy to have done those things, but just when I had time to sit and write, I had to go back to work.  I chose to spend my free time wrapping up Draft D edits and re-writes to Book I of my Adventures in the Green RPG rules.  Now I’m doing this.  Sorry for the delay.]


Book 1:

Session 01 – Start

Session 32 – Conclusion

Book 2:

Session 1

Session 10

Session 20

Session 30

Session 40

Session 41

Session 43