Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ratpack – Shattered Star Book 4, Sessions 8 and 9

[Day 5 and Morning Day 6 – Ambushes]

[This game uses the Pathfinder 1E role-playing game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  These sessions happened April 15 and April 22, 2024, respectively.]

[SPOILERS!  If you are likely to adventure through the Shattered Star Adventure Path from Paizo, this campaign will be spoilers all the way down.]

Player Characters

Marativy – female ratfolk 10th level Ninja

Zitch Grimreaper – male ratfolk 10th level Witch with a donkey rat (capybara) familiar

Roscuro – male ratfolk 10th level Monk

Swamprover – female grippli 10th level Wizard

Winston – male ratfolk 10th level Gunslinger

Via Roll20

Templeton von Trapp – male ratfolk 10th level Summoner (Synthesist)


Gridik Stormstride – male blue kobold 8th level Wizard (Invoker)

Hrefna – female bugbear 8th level Omdura

Ariphi – female tiefling 8th level Rogue

Day 6, Continued

[Get comfortable, Day 6 lasts until Session 10]

Shortly After Noon

With Hrefna now back amongst the living as a bugbear [somewhat ironically, considering the name of this blog], the Ratpack returned to the dangerous game of ambushing patrols of giants.  For this ambush they set up east of the Abbey and the ruins of its’ village.  The patrol being ambushed consisted of 3 hill giants and 4 ettins.

As the patrols walked into the ambush area, Marativy waited [note: Shadow Clones was already active].  Winston activated Mage Bullet and fired at the first giant three times, killing the giant.  Roscuro advanced to a point adjacent to the first ettin and the second giant, easily avoiding three attacks of opportunity against him, and struck the first ettin.  This set up the ettin for Marativy [due to both having Swarm and Outflank feats], who advanced and sneak attacked the ettin twice as hard at Roscuro and causing it to bleed.  Hrefna cast Stunning Barrier on herself, advanced on the first ettin, and targeted the second ettin with Divine Might.  Ariphi moved north to get closer to the patrol and flung a dagger at the first ettin, killing the ettin.  The rearmost ettin advanced on Roscuro to attack, missing the ratfolk monk.  Zitch advanced 20 feet, close enough to place Protective Luck on Roscuro.  Gridik moved to the right to get a better angle and cast Lightning Bolt, hitting the remaining three ettins.  Swamprover cast Lightning Arc on the back two ettins, catching the second ettin in the arc, damaging all three.  The second ettin walked around the last ettin to attack Hrefna, hitting but getting stunned by Hrefna’s Stunning Barrier [the ettin failed its save].  The hindmost giant threw a boulder at Gridik, critically hitting the poor kobold wizard, and then advanced into the melee.  The third ettin threw a javelin at Roscuro, who caught it and threw it back at the ettin, hitting the ettin.  The middle giant attacked Marativy, hitting her once and taking out a shadow clone.

Winston split his fire, shooting and killing the third ettin and then killing the rearmost ettin.  Roscuro performed a flurry of blows against the second giant, hitting the giant four times.  Marativy followed up Roscuro’s attack on the giant, hitting the giant three times and killing it.  Hrefna waited for Ariphi to go.  Ariphi threw a dagger at the second ettin, killing it, and then another dagger at the hindmost giant, critically hitting it.  With the second ettin out of the way, Hrefna now advanced on the hindmost giant and struck it.  Zitch placed Protective Luck on Hrefna and cackled.  Gridik cast Magic Missile at the hindmost [and only remaining] giant, hitting with five missiles.  Swamprover cast Acid Arrow at the giant [my notes do not indicate whether or not she hit].  The hindmost giant attacked Hrefna, hitting with a solid blow.

Winston concentrated three shots into the giant.  Roscuro 5-foot stepped to the giant and released a rather sloppy flurry of attacks, only hitting twice.  Marativy followed Roscuro and hit twice, ending the last giant.

With the fight now over, Hrefna activated her Healing invocation, providing Rapid Healing for the Ratpack for one minute [10 rounds].  After that, only Gridik and Hrefna needed more healing.  Zitch cast Cure Light Wounds on each of them to bring both back to full health.

The group looted the bodies of the patrol, discovering that this patrol had been looting as well.  The group found a variety of art objects, gems, and jewelry that Gridik estimated as worth 3500gp in total.  There was also a sack containing a variety of 10 masterwork weapons.

The Ratpack then piled up the bodies and set them on fire [again, suspecting the enemy had a necromancer amongst them].  They then left the area, circling to the north and doing their best to hide their tracks.

After an hour or so, the Ratpack stumbled across the remains of the attacked caravan spotted by Templeton the previous day.  The Ratpack took the time to search the caravan for hidden compartments as the caravan was otherwise thoroughly looted.  [Perhaps by the patrol recently ambushed?]  There were no hidden compartments, but there was sign that the raiding giants had camped adjacent to the attack site.  Winston scouted around and found signs that the campsite was abandoned rapidly with the giants heading to the east, away from the abbey.  Scouting out a little farther, Winston also found the tracks of some non-giant humanoids, also heading off to the east.

After a quick discussion, the Ratpack followed the tracks east to a nearby forest.  The tracks went into the forest and the Ratpack continued following them.  Just inside the trees they found a dead ettin, slashed by bladed weapons.  A little further on Winston found where the smaller tracks diverged, apparently losing the giant pursuers who continued deeper into the forest.  The Ratpack followed the smaller tracks, which gradually curved back towards the plains surrounding the abbey.

Back in the rolling hills the Ratpack found a low hill with a concealed entrance on the side away from the abbey.  Marativy stealthed up to it and checked to see if it was trapped – it was.  Gridik cast Detect Magic and found there was both an Alarm spell on the door and a Glitterdust trap.  Marativy took some time to disable both traps and signaled the All Clear.

Roscuro walked up and called out at the door, “Knock, knock!”

After a bit, a human opened the door, sword at the ready.  Roscuro explained that the Ratpack was here as a job for the Temple of Desna to liberate Windsong Abbey.  Roscuro further explained that the group had followed the human’s tracks from where he ambushed the giant patrol and were big fans of his work.  The somewhat non-plussed human invited the group in.

End of Session 08

Day 6, Continued

3:30 PM

Behind the door was a dug out area, about the size of a large root cellar.  It held most of the Ratpack and their host.

Their host identified themselves as Kaervek.  He explained he was traveling with Casamir Azmeren, the last priest of Desna in Windsong Abbey, and his daughter, Koriah.  They heard that the abbey was under attack and made their way here with others.  Their caravan was attacked by hill giants and ettins.  Kaervek and Koriah were separated from Casamir during the attack.  Casamir made it into the abbey and was now sealed up inside the lighthouse.  Koriah later attempted to break into the abbey and was petrified by a medusa.

Roscuro interrupted the story to ask Zitch what he knew about medusas.  Zitch related that they had no special defenses nor weaknesses.  They can petrify foes with a visual attack: when you see their eyes you are petrified.  Finally, their snake hair is venomous.

The Ratpack next learned that the person leading the attack on the Abbey was Ardathanatus, an elf who was once a priest of Pharasma at Windsong Abbey.  He went mad 106 years ago and killed many clergy at the abbey before fleeing.  [In hindsight, this may be when he discovered the Shard of Gluttony, it depends upon what the shard’s curse actually is.]

The Ratpack discussed options on how to approach the abbey and gain access to it.  They learned that there was a large stained glass window part way up the cliffside behind the abbey.

[This is when the players learned that the land the abbey was on was tilted and the edge behind the abbey was nearly 100 feet above the surface of the water.  This radically changed our understanding of the layout and was not really apparent from the small map provided with the adventure.]

Zitch cast Arcane Eye to attempt communication with Casamir.  Zitch scouted the lighthouse [the tower in the abbey’s courtyard].  The top floor contained the light, had transparent walls, and Zitch located Casamir there.  Zitch cast Message through the Arcane Eye and asked Casamir four question: Is he barricaded in or locked in?  When we rescue, is he willing to go?  What take with?  If not ready to go, why not?  [Message only lets you speak a maximum of 25 words.]  His response was “Barricaded.  Yes.  My books.  I’m ready to go.”

Having ambushed several giant patrols, Winston, Zitch, and Roscuro exited the root cellar and climbed a nearby hill to spy on the abbey village to see if anything had changed.  The giants and ettins seemed agitated and one giant in metal armor was moving amongst them, apparently trying restore some order.

While discovering this, Winston, Zitch, and Roscuro were ambushed.  Each was attacked and wounded once by invisible attackers that appeared after the attacks: three redcaps!

Winston stepped back 5 feet and shot the third redcap 3 times to little effect [redcaps have DR] and a misfire, which he cleared.  That redcap attacked Roscuro, hitting him once.  Roscuro focused his ki on defense, took a 5-foot step to a better position, and unleashed a flurry of blows on the redcap, hitting four times and bloodying the fae.  [As long as Roscuro has ki in his ki pool, his fists count as magical, silver, and cold iron, the latter allowing Roscuro to bypass the redcap’s DR.]  The first redcap attacked Zitch, hitting once.  Zitch stepped 5 feet to Winston and cast a Major Curse on the first redcap [basically -4 to all rolls for that redcap].  The second redcap attacked Roscuro, missing twice.  Back inside the root cellar, the rest of the party [except Hrefna] heard the sound of gunfire outside.

Winston took another 5-foot step, reloaded his musket with cold iron, and rapid fired at the third redcap, hitting three times and killing it.  Marativy focused her ki on moving and bolted out of the root cellar, closing the distance to where the fight was happening.  Roscuro continued maintaining his ki on defense and threw a flurry of blows at the second redcap to minimal effect.  Swamprover stepped out of the root cellar and cast Magic Missile at the second redcap.  The first redcap advanced on Winston and hit Winston with its scythe.  Ariphi exited the root cellar and threw a dagger at the first redcap for limited damage.  Zitch placed Protective Luck on Winston, stepped 5 feet away from the redcaps, and cackled to maintain the Protective Luck.  The second redcap attacked Roscuro again, missing two times.  Templeton flew out of the root cellar, landing next to Roscuro.  Gridik stepped out of the root cellar and cast Magic Missile at the second redcap, killing it.

Winston stepped back 5 feet from the last redcap and rapid fired at it, hitting three times before reloading.  Marativy moved to flank the last redcap and hit it with critically precise damage, killing it despite its resistance to normal weapons.

Eventually Hrefna arrived and Roscuro asked for her Healing invocation.  Over the next minute, this healed Roscuro and Winston completely.  Zitch placed his Ward on Roscuro, something he realized he should have done earlier.

End of Session 07

Rat Whispers

[I really wish I had written down the exact content of each patrol at the beginning of each combat.  As it is, I have to read through the battle to get the total.  I have the Other GM tell me the number attached to each monster in a group (for example, Giant1, Giant2, etc.) as they go in the initiative order.  In most cases we can see all of our opponents, so no information is given away as a result and it allows everyone, including the Other GM to track and reference the monsters.]


Book 1: Shards of Sin Landing Page – Links to all Book 1 sessions 

Book 2: Curse of the Lady’s Light Landing Page – Links to all Book 2 sessions 

Book 3: The Asylum Stone Landing Page – Links to all Book 3 sessions 

Book 4: Beyond the Doomsday Door – Links to all Book 4 sessions 

Last Sessions: Book 4, Sessions 6-7 

Next Sessions: [Sessions 10 and 11 – to be typed]

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ratpack – Shattered Star Book 4, Sessions 6 and 7

[Day 5 and Morning Day 6 – Ambushing Giants]

[This game uses the Pathfinder 1E role-playing game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  These sessions happened March 25 and April 8, 2024, respectively.]

[SPOILERS!  If you are likely to adventure through the Shattered Star Adventure Path from Paizo, this campaign will be spoilers all the way down.]

Player Characters

Marativy – female ratfolk 10th level Ninja

Zitch Grimreaper – male ratfolk 10th level Witch with a donkey rat (capybara) familiar

Roscuro – male ratfolk 10th level Monk

Swamprover – female grippli 10th level Wizard

Winston – male ratfolk 10th level Gunslinger

Via Roll20

Templeton von Trapp – male ratfolk 10th level Summoner (Synthesist)


Gridik Stormstride – male blue kobold 8th level Wizard (Invoker)

Hrefna – female changeling 8th level Omdura

Ariphi – female tiefling 8th level Rogue

Day 5


Not liking the odds of a direct attack on the conquered Windsong Abbey, the Ratpack decided to ambush giant patrols to reduce their numbers.  After a little scouting, the Ratpack located an area surrounded by the rolling hills that the giants seemed to patrol through south of the abbey and set up an ambush.  The spell casters were hidden atop one hill while the melee specialists hid in some tall grass along the trail the giants seemed to follow.  Winston cast Named Bullet on his first bullet, naming “Giants” as the target.

A patrol of 5 ettins and 2 hill giants followed the rough trail into the ambush site, unaware of the Ratpack.  Marativy used her ki to activate Shadow Clones.  Gridik cast Lightning Bolt, hitting 2 ettins and one of the hill giants.  Templeton cast Haste on the spellcasters [in hindsight, we realized this was unnecessary].  Zitch cast Poison Touch on Templeton, making Templeton’s claws poisonous.  Winston fired his Named Bullet, targeting the hill giant leader and killing the giant with one shot.  Swamprover cast Fire Ball, catching four of the patrol in the area of effect [my notes are not specific as to what mix of ettins and giants were caught – sorry.]

After the round of surprise attacks, the fight started in earnest.  Winston performed a Dead Shot on one of the ettins, hitting three times.  Templeton held to allow the giants to get a little closer.  Hrefna activated a Protection invocation [increasing PC armor classes by +2 when within 30 feet of Hrefna] and then an Archon Aura [enemies within 20 feet must make a WILL save or have -2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and armor class].  Zitch cast Dimension Door to get closer to the melee team.  Templeton cast Haste on Marativy, Roscuro, and Ariphi.  Gridik cast Lightning Bolt again, catching the same two ettins and hill giant, killing them.  Swamprover cast Lightning Arc on two ettins in the back of the patrol, damaging them.  Marativy advanced on the lead ettin, successfully making a sneak attack, poisoning the ettin and causing it to bleed.  One of the ettins in the back advanced on Marativy and swung, eliminating a shadow clone.  The lead ettin retaliated on Marativy, attacking three times and eliminating another shadow clone but contacting Marativy twice.  Roscuro advanced to the lead ettin and struck it with a fist, killing it.  The remaining ettin turned and fled.

Not wanting any reports on the Ratpack’s strength to get back, Winston shot the fleeing ettin with a Head Shot and Dead Eye.  Hrefna charged the ettin still in combat, hitting it.  Zitch advanced and cast Snowball, which was enough to kill the ettin.  Templeton cast Evolution [I think], modifying his eidolon for speed and set off after the fleeing ettin.  Gridik and Swamprover, having no targets, held their actions.  Marativy and Roscuro set off in pursuit of the fleeing ettin.  That worthy, seeing he was pursued, tried to run faster.

Winston took a Steady Aim, cast Imbue Arrow on his next shot, and shot the fleeing ettin with a Color Spray bullet, killing the ettin.

The fight being over, Templeton gathered up the body of the ettin that fled and dragged it back to the ambush site.  Those who were pursuing the now dead ettin also returned.  Zitch started checking the bodies of the giants and ettins, each giant had a club and crude leather armor.  The ettins each had metal armor, dual flails, and several javelins.  The giant leader’s weapon was a masterwork size Large great club and he had a bag made of green dragon hide that contained 4 giant-sized torches.  Dumping the torches, the Ratpack took the dragonhide bag.

At this point the Ratpack heard the sounds of horn, possibly of alarm, from the north and northeast of their position.

End of Session 06

Day 5, Continued

Approximately 10:00 AM

Templeton, with Marativy and Roscuro riding on his back, went to see what the sounding horns were about.  He flew up to about 400 feet of altitude and then flew a sweeping arc around to approach from the east.

The trio spotted two groups of giants and ettins doing things.  One group [northeast of the Ratpack’s ambush site] seemed to be returning to the abbey after raiding a local village.  A second group [north of the Ratpack’s location], comprised mostly of giants, was looting a caravan they had just attacked and eating the people in the caravan as snacks.  The trio then headed back to the rest of the Ratpack, first flying west before swinging south.  [We were concerned about the giants catching on to our presence too quickly.]

Back with the rest of the Ratpack, the trio reported what they had seen.  Too late to save either the villagers or the caravan, the Ratpack decided to go after the village raiders for a bit of avenging.

The Ratpack moved out.  An hour or so later the Ratpack lay in wait on the giant’s expected path back from the village raid.  The giants were loud and boisterous after the raid, so tracking their position was not difficult.  Just as the 4 hill giants and 6 ettins were entering the ambush, Templeton cast Haste on the Ratpack.

Swamprover started the ambush by casting Fireball, landing it on the back 6 targets.  Marativy used her ki to activate 6 Shadow Clones.  Roscuro used his light crossbow to plink the lead ettin [hoping to encourage the ettin to charge him].  Gridik cast Abundant Ammo on Roscuro’s crossbow bolts [in case the ettin didn’t charge].

Marativy charged forward, sneak attacking the lead ettin [she has the feat allowing her to move normally while using Stealth] and causing him to bleed.  The ettin bled and then attacked back, taking out two of Marativy’s shadow clones.  Winston shot one of the ettins, hitting three times, once critically, and dropped the ettin.  One of the ettins in the back advanced before throwing a javelin at Marativy, eliminating another shadow clone.  Zitch took a 5-foot step, put Protective Luck on Roscuro, and cackled [which extends the duration of the Protective Luck].  Templeton pounced on and killed the second ettin while also slashing the lead ettin.  Roscuro focused his ki for a burst of movement, closing with the lead ettin before throwing a punch and killing the ettin.  One of the giants in the back threw a stone at Winston and Swamprover, hitting both.  Swamprover cast Lightning Arc, catching two of the ettins and two of the giants.  Hrefna waited.  Gridik cast Magic Missile [although I did not note the target].  Ariphi advanced and performed a ranged sneak attack with her dagger on the lead giant for significant damage.  The hindmost ettin advanced and threw a javelin at Roscuro, which missed.  A different ettin advanced on Templeton and swung at him but missed.  Hrefna, now that one of the ettins was close enough, charged the ettin that just missed Templeton and “did the thing” to kill the giant.  [“The thing” is a combination of class feature and feats that allows Hrefna to channel a lot of damage into one big attack at the cost of all her current channel energy uses.  It is super effective but only once per day.]  One of the giants threw a boulder at Templeton and Hrefna, catching Hrefna despite Templeton attempting to Bodyguard Hrefna.  The lead giant advanced on Marativy and Roscuro, attacking both but only hitting Marativy.  The remaining giant moved to some higher ground and threw a boulder at Swamprover and Winston, hitting both.

Marativy held, waiting on Roscuro.  Winston took a 5-foot step away from Swamprover and shot and hit three times the giant on the hill.  One of the ettins advanced on Hrefna and hit her.  Zitch advanced 40 feet and cackled.  Templeton [did something but my notes did not capture what].  Roscuro made a 5-foot step to the lead giant, where Roscuro performed a flurry of blows, hitting 5 time, twice critically, and killed the giant, rather messily.  Marativy turned [greater] invisible, switched target to the last ettin, advanced on it, and struck from surprise.  The hindmost giant advanced and attacked Hrefna, hitting her critically and dropping her to the ground.  Swamprover cast Magic Missile at the giant on the hill and killed it.  Gridik cast Magic Missile at the giant that had just killed Hrefna.  Ariphi threw down a smoke stick and used the cover to retrieve Hrefna’s body.  The last ettin moved to put some distance between him and Marativy, provoking an attack of opportunity from Marativy, allowing her to kill it.  The giant who threw a boulder at Templeton attempted to attack the invisible Marativy and failed to connect.

Winston shot and killed the hindmost giant with three hits, one of which was critical.  Zitch put a Retribution Hex on the remaining giant.  Roscuro advanced on the remaining giant and punched it.  Templeton then pounced on the giant and killed it under a multitude of attacks.

With the fight over, Roscuro asked Zitch if he could bring back Hrefna.  Zitch stated he could not do it this day, but could the following morning.  Roscuro accepted this and pulled out the Body Bag of Holding, carefully placing Hrefna’s body in it.

Zitch started healing the wounded, bringing Winston, Swamprover, and Marativy all back to full health.

Having stored Hrefna’s body, Roscuro them went and searched the bodies of the dead giants and ettins.  They had little loot on them.  Amongst their weapons [4 great clubs and 12 large flails] Roscuro found a Stone of Alarm, and exotic riding saddle [non-magical], a damaged wizard’s spell book [given to Gridik], and a map to a cache of loot up on the Storval Plateau.

The giant and ettin bodies were piled up and burned [as there seemed to be evidence the enemy forces had a necromancer].  The Ratpack left the pyre behind, returning to their campsite.

Watches were posted that night, but there were no encounters.

Day 6


Zitch cast Reincarnation on Hrefna.  The slender changeling returned as a burly bugbear [with two negative levels].  Zitch cast Restoration on Hrefna to reduce the effects of the Reincarnation [removed one negative level, can be cast again on Day 13 to remove the second negative level].

End of Session 07

Rat Whispers

[The reincarnation renewed a conversation amongst the players as to who would be OK with Reincarnation and who required Raise Dead at the minimum.  Zitch’s player made notes so he knows what to do for each character in case it becomes necessary.]

[Sorry this was late.  I now write these up only on my personal laptop as work locked down the USB ports on company laptops last year.  I kept the files on a thumb drive and used whichever laptop was handy when I had time to write and now I actually need to switch laptops.  The downside is my home office is optimized for my work laptop (dual monitors and full-sized keyboard and mouse connected through a docking station.  My personal laptop is old enough that it doesn’t have a USB Type-C port to make use of the docking station, so I’m stuck planting it on my limited desk space.  On top of that, my personal life has been busy enough getting taxes done that I couldn’t go out to a local coffee shop with wi-fi and write there.  First World problems, I know.]


Book 1: Shards of Sin Landing Page – Links to all Book 1 sessions 

Book 2: Curse of the Lady’s Light Landing Page – Links to all Book 2 sessions 

Book 3: The Asylum Stone Landing Page – Links to all Book 3 sessions 

Book 4: Beyond the Doomsday Door – Links to all Book 4 sessions 

Last Sessions: Book 4, Sessions 4-5 

Next Sessions: Sessions 8 and 9