Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Resumption of Posts

First, Thank You to those who left kind words the last couple months.  I'm not certain I can express how much I appreciated them, but I did, very much.

Next, I plan to resume posting next week, although I'm not certain what I'm going to start with.  My Monday group has just about finished Book 4 of the Shattered Star Adventure Path - we have another 3-5 sessions to go.  The Other GM said we were that close at the beginning of December as well, but we (the players and he) feel he underestimated how cautious we were being.  That said, were are 1 maybe 2 encounters from the final boss and wrap-up, so end of February is feeling right.

Overall, this book should have been right up my alley as it is majority dungeon crawling but it felt like it was full of grudge monsters [monsters that are immune to the PCs best attacks or exploit PC weaknesses at the relevant levels].  There was also fun but the fun felt very spaced out compared to the grudge, which is why we were being so cautious in our explorations.  I probably will not do detailed summaries of these sessions, partly [mostly] as my notes are skimpy in places but also to get it done quickly.

Once we finish this book of the Shattered Star, we are returning to the Sudden Sea and the political mess the players caused at the end of the last arc.  The PCs caught the head of the Green Hand bandits, only to discover the Green Hand was stealing from merchants and using the loot to help as many of the 10,000 refugees from the rising of the sea as they could.  The PCs got paid the bounty but with thousands of unhappy refugees surrounding the town, chanting "Free the Hand", they decided to sneak out of town while they could and wait for things to blow over.

"Things" do not in fact "blow over."  They instead "blow up."

But with a month to go before that campaign resumes and I have notes to post on it, I will probably start with summations of the Shattered Star Book 4 sessions and go from there.


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