Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Adventures in the Green, Book III: Campaigns Draft C complete

 I made a big push the last two weeks to complete my editorial pass for Draft C of Book III of Adventures in the Green and it paid off.  The section on Magic Items took longer to edit as many of the items had unique issues and some required research to resolve.  Others were a daisy chain of cross-references that had to be coordinated with each other or they introduced the stats for creatures or monsters that belong in the bestiary section of Book II.

TL;DR: Book III was a jungle and needed a lot of work, but it's done now.

I will convert the Word document into a PDF later this week.  That will need some clean-up, but not a lot, so I expect to post the PDF for Book III, Draft C by the end of Friday.

Next step is Draft D for all three books.  This will require:

  • Incorporating all edits, corrections, and inserts resulting from play-test or the Draft C edit.
  • Finalize the Style Guide so all references are consistent across all three books.
  • Do the detailed consistency edit on all three books.
  • Create an Art List to contract art from.
The art style I'm using right now is Public Domain woodcut artwork...except for the cover of Book III.  I'd like to have artwork that is similar style and quality across all three books and I suspect I'll need to contract an artist for that.

I should have a Session report later this week as well, but don't hold me to that as I need to prep for the playtest game this Saturday.


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