Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Sudden Sea – Session 5

[April 28 – Fight Conclusion]

[This game uses the Hero System Fifth Revised Edition (FREd) roleplaying game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  This session happened September 4, 2023.]

[This adventure takes place on the continent of Terik, two years after the appearance of the Sudden Sea due to the sinking and flooding of ~374,385 square miles of the Plains of Syrak.]

Player Characters

Sorvia of Stavros – female human ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Tharduk Lavabreath – male dwarf glassmaker from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom, had a glass shop in County Modon that is now underwater, literally

Kadruth Worldbender – male dwarf priest, serving He Who Protects, from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom

Anomin – female human shapeshifter, from lots of places, most recently County Modon

Islo Redgrass – male elf ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Via Roll20

Inserrant – female human musician, player of zills (finger cymbals) and singer


April 28, 56 I.C. (Imperial Calendar)

Shortly after 11:00 AM

The adventurers were in the midst of being attacked.  Islo attempted to break free from the grip of the burly rider, straining to his maximum [pushed his Strength], but the burly rider held him easily.

The female rider, muttering that fighting adventurers was not what she was being paid to do, stopped fighting with Sorvia and ran over to where Tharduk set the postal box on the ground when the riders first approached.  She picked up the box and whistled for her horse.  Tharduk moved over to the female rider and did a Take Down, dropping her to the ground.  The burly rider Crushed Islo in his grip, breaking some ribs, stunning the elf, and knocking the elf unconscious.  Anomin, seeing Islo hanging limply in the burly rider’s grip, ignored the mooks near here and moved across the battle field to help Islo.  The lead rider stretched his legs to get behind Tharduk and did a Leg Sweep, dropping Tharduk on the ground next to the female rider.  Sorvia, shot at the female rider with her heavy bow, hitting the rider in the vitals [with the use of a Hero Point] but for minimal damage.  The 5 crossbowmen moved their horses, three to get a shot at Sorvia around the Force Wall Kadruth was maintaining and two to close with Anomin, hoping to shoot and kill the shapeshifter.  Sorvia was only hit by one crossbow bolt, but it was low in the back and stunned her.  Both crossbow shots at Anomin missed.  Kadruth moved close to Sorvia, and then cast another Wall of Force to protect himself, Sorvia, and Inserrant from further attacks by the group of three riders.

Islo stirred slightly in the crushing grip of the burly rider [he recovered from being stunned].  Inserrant continued to sing her song of surrender at the riders [increasing the cumulative total from her Mind Control to 13].

Tharduk failed to kippup, then climbed to his feet and attacked the prone female rider.  He swung with all his might [pushing his strength], aiming high [High Shot] on the prone woman, who squirmed to avoid the attack [aborted to a Dodge].  He hit her in the head, wounding, stunning, and knocking her out.  She lay prone on the ground.  Sorvia regathered her wits [recovered from being stunned].  Anomin, in cougar form, attacked the burly rider holding Islo.  The rider dropped the elf to dodge the attack, but Anomin caught him with a deep clawing across the chest.  The lead rider, seeing he was having trouble holding Tharduk’s attention, drew his sword and attacked Tharduk with it, slashing the dwarf deeply across the leg.  Four of the crossbow riders reloaded their weapons, starting to look a little concerned about how the fight was going.  The fifth rider decided to go for the brass ring and rode at the postal box, attempting a grab by on it.  He nearly lost his grip and completely lost control of the horse, which decided to flee post haste from the dangerous predator [Anomin in cougar form], leaving the combat with its rider desperately holding onto the saddle.  Kadruth moved further south, dropping the recently cast Wall of Force before recasting it for better protection from the three crossbowmen threatening Inserrant and Sorvia.

Islo caught his breath and woke up.

The female rider recovered from being stunned but was still prone in the middle of the fighting.  Tharduk turned and punched the lead rider in the head [spending a Hero Point to mover the hit from the hands (6) to the head (5)].  Islo failed to kippup [possibly due to fractured ribs] and instead climbed to his feet.  He then moved into the shelter of the two Walls of Force Kadruth was maintaining.  The burly rider, in full combat frenzy wrestled with Anomin in her cougar form.  She attempted to block the attack but failed and he successfully grabbed her.  Sorvia stepped for a better angle and shot the burly rider in the chest.  The lead rider stabbed his sword into Tharduk’s chest, stunning and knocking out the dwarf.  Two of the crossbowmen moved their horses around the Walls of Force to get shots at the held Anomin and still missed.  Another crossbowman shot at Kadruth, who just dodged the attack, while the last crossbowman held his action, looking unsure.  Inserrant continued her singing, its effects now weighing heavily on the thoughts of the crossbowmen [cumulative total now 25 on Mind Control].  Inserrant called out an offer to pay the crossbowmen if they switched sides.

[Post 12 Recovery happened.]

Islo steadied his breath, drew his bow, and shot the burly rider in the vitals [with the use of two Hero Points to move it from a leg shot], killing the man and releasing Anomin from his crushing grip.

Tharduk unconsciously recovered his wits while remaining unconscious.  Anomin fluidly rolled to her paws, moved to the lead rider and raked him across the legs with her claws.  Sorvia now shot at the lead rider who dodged the arrow [aborted to a dodge].  The crossbowmen ask Inserrant if the job offer is still good.  She says yes, but the pay was now less.  They said “That’s fair,” and surrendered.  Kadruth asked the lead rider to surrender, dropping his recent Wall of Force and holding part of his action to see if the leader surrendered.

Islo moved to the unconscious female rider and retrieved the postal box.

The lead rider asked that he and the female rider be allowed to leave with their horses and possessions.  After a little back and forth [and the female rider waking up], these terms are accepted.  The crossbowmen asked Inserrant what the pay was for escorting the adventurers over to Nomi.  She conferred with the others and offered a silver each.  They gladly accepted this arrangement.  The lead rider and the female rider both mounted their horses and rode away to the west.

When they were gone, Kadruth started casting healing spells on the injured adventurers.  Tharduk got into conversation with the crossbowmen and subtly pumped them for information on their employer.  He is able to get a name: Viktor Nicabar.

Once everyone was mostly patched up, the group with their newly hired escorts headed east.


The group approached Nomi, a small walled town that spanned the Cephissus River.  The crossbowmen started getting nervous when and asked if they could get paid before entering the town.  They would likely get into trouble if they were recognized and planned on fleeing southeast to The Shires.  The adventurers did not begrudge them wanting to avoid trouble and paid them.  Inserrant used her continuing Mind Control to have the crossbowmen forget her singing, that Anomin shapeshifts, and the details of the adventurers faces before sending them off with a silver coin each.

End of session


[So I went to go see my dad and he was in better health than initially reported.  Two weeks of physical therapy and no more chemotherapy helped in the recovery from the stroke.  I very much enjoyed the time I spent with him.]

[Back home in the Houston area, just as we were ready to have a repair guy work replace the blower fan in our Air Conditioner, which was going bad, it locked up and died.  Sigh.  We are working on get that fixed ASAP, but don’t know how long that will be.  I hoped it would hold out until we had the repair scheduled, but no such luck.]

[As to the game session, things went well.  Having a break between sessions in the fight gave me time to remember that the antagonists were there to get the mail, not kill the adventurers.  I wanted the female rider to do the grab by with her whip and drag the box away, but she didn’t have her horse anymore and the delay for the horse to arrive let the PCs dog-pile her and keep her from fleeing with the box.  The crossbowmen were loyal until it was clear their side was losing, then Inserrant’s Mind Control hit its stride and completely undercut their will to keep fighting.]

[Speaking of Inserrant, I allow players to fiddle with their characters a bit during the first month or so of play.  Hero System characters can be complicated and sometimes things don’t work in play the way you thought they would or you forgot things, like skills your character should have.  Several characters have done minor tweaks, but Inserrant is doing a major one and will have a higher Speed and Dex going forward as a result.  Her player learned that a Speed of 2 allowed for Dodges to last a long time but meant that the cumulative Mind Control was very slow to get to useful numbers.  We will see how the revamp works out in the future.]

Sudden Sea Adventures

Sudden Sea Landing Page - Links to all the write-ups for this campaign 

Last session: Session 4

Next session: Session 6

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Sudden Sea –Session 4

[April 26-28 – Mail Intercept]

[This game uses the Hero System Fifth Revised Edition (FREd) roleplaying game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  This session happened August 28, 2023.]

[This adventure takes place on the continent of Terik, two years after the appearance of the Sudden Sea due to the sinking and flooding of ~374,385 square miles of the Plains of Syrak.]

Player Characters

Sorvia of Stavros – female human ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Tharduk Lavabreath – male dwarf glassmaker from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom, had a glass shop in County Modon that is now underwater, literally

Kadruth Worldbender – male dwarf priest, serving He Who Protects, from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom

Anomin – female human shapeshifter, from lots of places, most recently County Modon

Islo Redgrass – male elf ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Via Roll20

Inserrant – female human musician, player of zills (finger cymbals) and singer


April 26, 56 I.C. (Imperial Calendar)

9:00 AM

The adventurers, finished purchasing travel supplies at the company store, left the logging camp.  They followed the Ladon River south, up into the valley that held the Tsepi Forest.  Sorvia and Islo used their ranger skills to hunt game as the party traveled through the heavy undergrowth of the forest.

3:00 PM

The adventurers neared the head of the valley and found a convenient place to cross the Ladon River.  The river was smaller here and Sorvia found a good ford to use.  The entire group refilled their water skins before leaving the river.  Once on the other side of the river they started walking up into the Onomastike Hills.  This area was drier and rougher than the valley that held the forest, with noticeably fewer trees.  [They moved from a forested hex on the map to a hills hex.]

5:00 PM

As the sun started to near the horizon, Sorvia located a good place for the group to camp.  A campfire was put together and lit, protected from the wind [and from generally being seen] by some rock outcroppings.  The group used the same watches from the night before (See Session 02) and settled in for the night.

April 27, 56 I.C.

The adventurers broke camp as the sun came up on a chilly morning.  The adventurers continued making their way across the hills.  Once past the highest point [around Noon], they descended into an area of wooded hills, part of the Ygro Dasos [the much larger forest on other side of the Onomastike Hills].  This slowed their movement further and by late afternoon it was time to find a campsite again while still in the forested hills.

Once again Sorvia found a good, somewhat hidden campsite, for the group to use.  Camp was set up and the same watches kept.  [I keep mentioning the hiddenness of their camp site as there were people searching the woods for travelers, but I kept rolling terrible on the Perception rolls to notice the camp.]

April 28, 56 I.C.

A Little After 9:00 AM

Islo, who was the group’s navigator, realized he was lost an hour after the group broke camp.  He asked Sorvia and Anomin for some help plotting a corrected path [he just missed the Navigation roll for the day].  Anomin turned into a crow and flew up above the trees to get a look around and spotted the edge of the forest and Nomi in the distance.  She flew back down and relayed what she saw to Islo and Sorvia and they platted a path to the edge of the forest.

11:00 AM [or so]

The adventurers reached the edge of the forest, near where the Cephissus River, 30 to 40 meters across with noticeable flow, exited the forest.  This put them a couple miles west of where they were expecting to exit the forest.

As they were getting their bearings and Sorvia was making notations for her eventual map of the expedition, all but Tharduk heard the sound of riders approaching.  Anomin, still in crow form, alit on Islo’s shoulder and called out a warning about the riders.  Sorvia put away her mapping tools while Tharduk set down the mail package and pulled out his merchant credentials and the job poster from Mouzaki for the mail delivery job.

Approaching the group at speed were ten riders on horseback.  Anomin could see that most of the group were not expert horsemen but all were wearing leather armor with no insignia at all.  This suggested they might not be any kind of officials at all.  Anomin told the other adventurers this just before the riders could hear her.

The riders came to a stop before the adventurers, not right on them but closer than the adventurers were comfortable with, not knowing who the riders were.  Sorvia noticed that the riders had bedrolls and other gear for being in the wilderness but was unable to share that information without the riders hearing her.  One of the riders, apparently their leader, hailed the adventurers.  He stated that he and his team noticed that the group was carrying a postal crate and was wondering if they could open it up so he could get a piece of mail he was expecting.  He and his people had urgent business elsewhere and wanted to save time retrieving the message.

The adventurers were doubtful about his sincerity.

Inserrant suggested that it would take them less time to wait and get the letter from the post office in Nomi than get raised from the dead.  [The PCs were a little belligerent here, but not entirely without good cause.]  Tharduk stalled, asking what name might be on the letter.  The leader said “Michelakis” and stated he would be mighty thankful if the group let him retrieve that letter.  Tharduk verbally went back and forth with the leader, learning that the riders were all employed by another who wanted the letter and had been roughing it for a while, waiting for someone to show up delivering mail [Tharduk used his Conversation skill to elicit information the other would not normally have given up].  Several of the riders started openly loading their crossbows at this point.  [Anomin said something here, which alerted the riders that the crow was not just a crow but the notes do not mention what she said.]

Anomin attempted to hop off Islo’s shoulder behind Islo and then stay low while flying around behind the riders.  Her tactic mostly worked as all but one of the riders were either loading their weapons or staring hard at Tharduk.  Unfortunately, one of the likely lieutenants to the leader spotted her attempt, stating “Oh no you don’t!” and threw a net at Anomin.  This triggered Kadruth casting a Wall of Force right in front of the right half of the riders [from the PC’s perspective], specifically in front of the net thrower.  The net thrower was faster [made the timing check by more than Kadruth] and threw her net before the wall formed.  Luckily for Anomin, the net just missed [due to a range modifier].  Anomin changed her plan and called out to the riders to surrender or face their doom.  She got their attention [as a crow pronouncing one's doom will tend to do] but did not cause them to flee as they felt they had the upper hand.  Tharduk, realizing how this was going to go, put away his merchant credentials and readied his shield.  Islo held his action to see what the riders did while Inserrant started playing her zill and singing, but hit a false note [actually attempted to cast her mind control spell but failed the roll].  The riders finished loading their weapons and started pointing them at the adventurers in general.

Islo stopped waiting and fired a Tripping Arrow [ranged trip attack martial arts maneuver] at the horse of the biggest and burliest of the riders [oddly, not the guy doing the talking].  This caused the horse to rear and the rider failed to hold on, falling to the ground.

Islo then repeated the trick at the talker, who also dropped off his horse.

The female lieutenant goaded her horse to close with the talking crow while pulling out another net to throw at Anomin.  Tharduk waited for the riders to approach.  Sorvia shot and hit one of the mooks in the chest, wounding but not killing him.  The big burly guy attempted to kippup and failed, then just climbed to his feet and advanced on Islo, calling out insults and threats at the elf.  Anomin closed with the horses and transformed back to human form [which dropped her Dexterity, so she had to wait to complete her action].  The leader successfully kipped up, stating “we wanted to do this the easy way, but you chose the hard way,” and ran at Tharduk, performing a leg sweep once within range, dropping Tharduk to the ground.  Anomin cast her shapeshift spell and turned into cougar, making a piercing and shrill vocalization while clawing a horse.  This scared the two horses closest to her and they turned and fled, dropping their riders in front of Anomin.  Tharduk attempted to kippup and failed, then climbed to his feet and readied his hand axe.  Four of the crossbowmen all decided that the obvious mage was a danger and they shot at Kadruth with their crossbows.  Two hit [thigh and stomach], which triggered Kadruth’s prepared teleportation spell [think "minor Word of Recall"], teleporting the stunned priest back into the forest, luckily missing any trees.  Kadruth gathered his wits [recovered from being stunned].  The two mooks in front of Anomin got up and readied their swords.

Islo fired a Quick Shot [another martial arts maneuver] at the burly rider and hit him in the chest.  This seemed to make the human angrier.  Inserrant Finally got her voice under control and sang a song of surrender to the crossbowmen.  They did not react.  [Inserrant’s Mind Control is very low power but has cumulative with a high cap, so eventually it will work.  She also rolled low on effect.]

The female rider decided that the shapeshifter was a familiar of some sort and Islo her master, so she rode her horse at Islo, attempting to run him over.  Islo dodged the attempt, but the rider then slowed the horse and whipped it around to try again.  Tharduk did a Take Down maneuver on the leader, dropping the man to the ground and yelling at the mooks to surrender.  They paused and seriously considered this action.  Sorvia shot at the female rider, hitting the rider’s arm.  The burly rider ran all the way to Islo, arms wide and bellowing along the way.  The leader failed to quick-stand, climbed to his feet and did a Take Away to take Tharduk’s hand axe.  Anomin attacked the next mook in line, clawing the rider despite his best efforts to avoid the attack and putting fear into his heart.  The crossbowmen, after taking a pause to consider Tharduk's demand they surrender, started reloading their weapons.  Kadruth cast Wall of Force to protect Sorvia and Tharduk from the crossbowmen.

Islo stepped over to a better vantage point and tripped the female rider’s horse, but the rider lands on her feet.  That worthy ran over to Sorvia and attempted to Disarm Sorvia, but failed.  Tharduk disarmed the leader, sending his stolen axe flying somewhere into the tall grass.  The leader legswept Tharduk again, dropping the dwarf to the ground.  The burly guy pushed his move to close with Islo and grabbed the elf, pinning the elf’s arms.  Anomin clawed the mook she was fighting, hitting the mook in the vitals and knocking him out.  Sorvia attempted a High Shot at the female rider and just missed.  The mook closest to Anomin had his will break and he fled the battle.  The remaining crossbowmen pause again [due to Presence attacks].  Kadruth cast a ranged attack spell at the female rider and missed her.  Inserrant continued to sing and play her zills [but rolled terribly low again so no apparent effect yet].

[We paused the fight here as it was very late by this point and the end of the Combat Turn.]

End of session


[This session ran late as we are getting back up to speed on the combat system.  I stopped it at the end of the first Combat Turn, before Post-Segment 12 Recoveries happen so we can pick up there at the beginning of next session.]

[I took advantage of the holiday and no gaming plans to get this session written up, so I'm no longer lagging so far behind.  Due to events happening later this week, I don't know exactly when Session 5 will get posted.  Might be on time, might be late in the week - I won't know until later.  I'll explain why then.]

Sudden Sea Adventures

Sudden Sea Landing Page - Links to all the write-ups for this campaign

Last session: Session 3

Next session: Session 5 [Not yet typed up]

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Sudden Sea –Session 3

[April 25 and 26 – Against the Wendigo]

[This game uses the Hero System Fifth Revised Edition (FREd) roleplaying game.  Game sessions happen once a week.  This session happened August 21, 2023.]

[This adventure takes place on the continent of Terik, two years after the appearance of the Sudden Sea due to the sinking and flooding of ~374,385 square miles of the Plains of Syrak.]

Player Characters

Sorvia of Stavros – female human ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Tharduk Lavabreath – male dwarf glassmaker from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom, had a glass shop in County Modon that is now underwater, literally

Kadruth Worldbender – male dwarf priest, serving He Who Protects, from the Northern Dwarven Kingdom

Anomin – female human shapeshifter, from lots of places, most recently County Modon

Islo Redgrass – male elf ranger, local to County Modon (village of Stavros in particular)

Via Roll20

Inserrant – female human musician, player of zills (finger cymbals) and singer


April 25, 56 I.C. (Imperial Calendar)

Early Afternoon

With Islo’s arrow in its chest, the creature struck out at the first foe it saw, Tharduk.  It stepped to the dwarf to attack, moving bushes as it passed, which allowed Tharduk to know he was under attack.  Tharduk attempted to block the attack and gain the upper hand, but failed due to the creature being invisible to him [he did a Block maneuver but suffered a -1 penalty to OCV as the creature was invisible, which is how much he failed by].  The failed block did get Tharduk’s shield in play and the creature’s attack just missed, deflected by the shield [and DCV bonus from the Block maneuver].  Islo took a second shot at the [visible to him] creature but missed widely.

Sorvia spent her full phase attempting to acquire the creature as a target and finally worked it out [took her two tries at making a Perception roll to succeed and work out where the creature was].  Anomin did the same, but Kadrith was able work it out quicker and cast his Wall of Force spell, placing the wall between the creature and Tharduk.  [Kadruth knew where the invisible creature was but had not worked out its height yet.  This will be important shortly.]

The creature, not pleased with the appearance of the wall went after its source, Kadruth.  Thinking he was safe 4 meters off the ground in a blind created with another Wall of Force, Kadruth was not prepared for the attack to come from above and was clawed on the arms.  Islo attempted to trip the creature up with an arrow and succeeded.  As the 8-meter-tall creature fell backwards, Islo warned Anomin it was falling at her.  She dove out of the way and was just  missed by the creature as it landed on the forest floor.  The area of crushed plants suddenly gave the adventurers perspective on the size of the creature they were fighting and it gave them pause [I drew a stick figure to scale to show where it landed on the map].  Inserrant, knowing where the creature was, attempted to start up her mind control song, but was not able to hit the correct notes [failed her skill check on the spell].

Tharduk stepped around the Wall of Force between him and the creature and hacked at it with his axe, striking it in the vitals, killing it.  [He did near max damage and the creature had low armor.]  The creature gradually turned visible as it bled out.  Inserrant stepped out of “hiding” and said, “Well that wasn’t so hard.”

Tharduk and Anomin set to beheading the creature as the creature was too large for the group to carry back in one piece.  Kadruth used a prayer of healing to heal up the damage to his arms while Sorvia built a litter to carry the head back to the logging camp.  Islo and Sorvia wanted claws from the creature and eight were harvested.  Iso and Sorvia each claimed two of the claws, the rest going into a pouch in case they were useful as spell reagents.

Once the head was severed and moved onto the litter, Anomin transformed into her horse form.  The adventurers wanted to do something to scare away any other creatures that might show up, but none of them know what to do as they really don’t know what the creature is.  Sorvia attached the litter to Anomin and the group made their way back to the logging camp.  Moving was slower due to the litter and giant head.

Later Afternoon

Along the way back to the camp, the group occasionally passed or were passed by loggers going about their business.  They yelled conversation back and forth that the adventurers had killed the creature and were taking it back to the camp.  The loggers were pleased to hear this.

As the adventurers neared the logging camp, they saw a small crowd gathered at the gate.  Nik Papadimitriou was among them to see what the adventurers were bringing back.  When the head was displayed, Nik identified the creature as a wendigo.  He was surprised to see it as there not supposed to be any in the Tsepi Forest.

Nik paid Tharduk the promised reward, minus 1 silver for the breakfast the dwarves ate.  He also declared there would be a celebration that night in recognition that the threat was gone.  The loggers were excited at that and preparations got under way immediately.  Sorvia suggested to Nik that the camp needed more than one set of guards but he countered that with the creature dead, the camp shouldn’t need guards anymore.

Tharduk split the reward evenly amongst the 6 adventurers [81 copper each with 4 left over], giving each a split in coin and logging company script.  Inserrant took her share and went to the camp company store to purchase a good throwing knife and a whetstone she convinced the agent to add in for free.


For the celebration dinner, the adventurers sat at the high table with Nik and the other company officers.  The food was good and there was plenty of ale.  Inserrant helped with the music for dancing and a good time was had by all.

April 26, 56 I.C.


Some of the loggers stopped by Sorvia for hangover cures after drinking too much the night before.

The adventurers each purchase three days of good quality food from the company store using up much of their reward money [making a point to spend all the company script].  Islo also purchased an extra quiver of 24 arrows and three loose arrows to replace those lost in the fight with the wendigo.  Kadruth purchased armored leather sleeves to protect his arms [14 silver in cost] using some of his own money [left over from character creation] and some of the reward [all the script he received].

Sorvia then planned the groups route south to Nomi.  After some discussion, they settled on a path following the Ladon River upstream to the head of the valley and then cutting southeast across the Onomastike Hills to the Ygro Dasos, coming out of the forest near Nomi.  They expected to arrive in Nomi about mid-day on the 28th.

End of session


[So the wendigo write-up I was using was from the Hero System Bestiary for 4th edition and was built a little more for fighting superheroes rather than fantasy adventurers.  It had good defenses in general, just not versus killing attacks, which is all fantasy characters carry.  I wish there had been a 5th Edition version and was surprised at the table there wasn’t one.  As a note, the wendigo’s invisibility did not work “versus forest creatures” and I decided that as Islo was from a group of elves that preferred to live in harmony with nature, he qualified, so he was the only one who could see the wendigo in the fight.]

[I should mention that part of the campaign rules require all magic spells to have Gestures and Requires a Skill Roll as limitations.  This keeps the spells from feeling too much like super powers and maintains the flavor of Fantasy.]

Sudden Sea Adventures

Last session: Session 2

Next session: Session 4 [Not yet typed up]