Friday, June 24, 2022

Delvers Guild – Arc 2, Session 14 – Last Crypts

[December 14 – 6th (and last) session for December 14.  The last of the lower crypts are looted while the Delvers form a plan to deal with the blue flame skeletons.]

[This game uses the Fifth Revised Edition of the Hero System rules along with the Fantasy Hero supplement.  This session happened May 16, 2022.]

Player Characters:

Jala – human female – a person of discretion, studier of Pact Magic with a focus on shadows

Ozrel Runeweaver – human male – Pugilist and Rune Magician

Zarek the Red – fox male – Golem-mancer

Vorgand – human female – Guildmaster and Chief Combatant for the Delvers Guild

Ricky the Astrologer – human male – Newly-minted specialist in Magic Circles and Teleportation Gates

Non-Player Characters:

Torsten, Fish, Harek – ex-bandits, now The Torchbearers for the Delvers Guild

Yggsday, December 14th, 1st year of the reign of King Vladik the Gamesman

Late Afternoon

After storing the three looted sarcophagus lids on the moon, the Delvers returned to the Stone Halls through the portal.  They descended the Slanted Gallery to the lower crypt area.  At the Hall of Elven Heroes, the group turned right, having looted all the tombs down around the corner on the left.  At the right end of the Hall of Elven Heroes they took the corner.

[I provided the names of all the elven heroes depicted on the walls here and which names also had crypts.  There were 14 heroes in the main hall but only 11 crypts.  The elves depicted but without crypts were: Hefhauer of the Many Shadows (a.k.a.: Jerk-face), Garabed of the Six Rings, and Oroitz of the Cloud Sea.]

This passage had six more potential crypts to loot, but they learned on a previous trip that at least one of them had been looted already.  They examined the plaster artwork over the represented doors.  Two of the six unopened door artworks had plasterwork that was shallower than the surrounding surfaces, indicating that the doors behind the plaster had been replastered after being uncovered previously.  Combined with the other previously looted crypt on this side the Delvers opened on their previous excursion, this left 4 crypts as undisturbed.

The group decided to start opening crypts with the first one on the left wall, the crypt of Zuzen of Ochevyog, and work their way around clockwise.  Using the method they developed raiding the other crypts, they quickly and safely opened and cleared Zuzen’s crypt of the two void skeletons inside it.  The walls of the crypt were decorated to show a countryside with rolling hills.  Off in the middle distance was an elven town.  Ricky speculated it was Ochevyog, where Zuzen was from.  The plant life shown was more of the strange plants the Delvers had seen in some of the oldest elven crypts and tombs, so they were not certain where Ochevyog might be.  The gem covered sarcophagus contained Zuzen’s corpse, another of the magic amulets with the odd rune, and three other pieces of jewelry [another necklace, a gold chain, and a gold goblet].

The Delvers proceeded to the next crypt on the left wall.  This claimed to be the crypt of Berooz of Apheshra.  The adventurers repeated their method of opening and clearing the crypt of enemies and set to looting the sarcophagus.  The wall murals showed rolling grasslands.  When they opened the sarcophagus, it appeared to be empty, which surprised the Delvers.  Zarek cast Detect Magic and saw no telltale auras.  Jala cautiously reached in to search for concealed spaces, instead feeling an invisible corpse!

Carefully running her hands over the corpse, Jala determined it was wearing a cloak of some sort.  She carefully searched for any jewelry, finding a gold chain, a jeweled goblet, another magic amulet with the strange rune, and lastly a lapel pin.  When she removed the lapel pin, the corpse suddenly became visible again.  Zarek checked again with his Detect Magic spell and verified that the pin was magical, not the tattered cloak the corpse wore.

[There was discussion here about whether or not his Detect Magic spell should have “seen” the pin of invisibility while its power was active.  I knew why this was, but could not quote the Simulated Sense Group Rule at the time or point to its location at the table, which caused some confusion with Detect being an Unusual Sense.  We have since resolved the issue.]

The Delvers were feeling the effects of their efforts and took a rest at this point.  The next two tombs on this side of the hall appeared to have been opened and resealed, so they decided to skip them.  On the right wall, they opened the last crypt and discovered it was looted some time in the past and then resealed.  The crypt adjacent to it showed the same signs of being previously opened and resealed, leaving only two crypts on that wall.  The two crypts appeared to hold Kurush the Dry and Assim of the Three Fires.  The Delvers discussed which to open next and settled on Kurush’s.

Once the rest was over, the Delvers approached Kurush’s crypt and put their plan into action, quickly opening the crypt and defeating the two void skeletons inside.  The interior walls of this crypt were decorated to show a rolling seascape.  After removing the jeweled lid of the sarcophagus, they found the corpse of Kurush with two pieces of jewelry that radiated magic and two that did not.  The two magical pieces were the rune amulet found in all the [non-looted] crypts and a belt buckle that Zarek eventually identified as a belt buckle of water walking.  Ricky was immediately interested in it.  [Ricky being physically unable to swim.]

Ricky brought up an idea of using the void skeletons to de-power the blue flame skeletons up in the Stone Forest.  The positive would be that the Delvers would no longer be subjected to the explosive attacks.  The negative would be that Vorgand and Ozrel would be the only ones able to fight effectively against the mass of skeletons.  The question of how to transport the void skeletons was discussed and use of the rope of entangling that Jala carried or even normal rope to tie down the lids of the spirit jars would allow transportation of the skeletons.  Jala or Ricky could teleport with the jars into the room, remove the rope, and flee before the blue flame skeletons arrived and the void skeletons established their magic suppression field.

The Delvers discussed this plan at length, including asking the Torchbearers if one of them would help hold a spirit jar closed until they could get it tied up.  The trio held a short huddle, played a quick round of Rock-Paper-Scissors [which Fish clearly lost], and Fish stated he would do it for an extra 5 gold coins.  The Delvers Readily agreed to this.  After some further discussion, they decided they were not certain it was entirely viable, but they were willing to give it a try.  They took another rest to let Zarek prep some spells and get everyone fully ready for the last crypt.  They decided that the second spirit jar would be the one to keep and put their now standard crypt opening plan into motion.

The plan went well, up to the point where they let the first spirit jar open so they could quickly defeat the skeleton inside.  When Vorgand let the lid open, instead of a void skeleton standing up a skeleton with orange flames engulfing its skull stood up.  It being a skeleton still triggered Zarek’s prepared lightning burst spells.  One missed completely, but the other hit the orange flame skeleton twice for minimal damage.

Ozrel continued to hold down the lid on the second spirit jar while Vorgand swept and hit the skeleton three times for no effect.  The skeleton threw its flaming skull at Vorgand, missing widely and hitting the wall behind her, where it splashed and kept burning.  Jala stepped in with the ready rope of entanglement and entangled the spirit jar Ozrel was holding and the active skeleton [the ropes entanglement is Area of Effect, Selective, and Does Not Block Attacks].  Ricky cast Dark Leaching on the active skeleton, withering it significantly.  Zarek altered his spell [to make it Armor Piercing and Half Endurance] and hit the skeleton with it to noticeable effect.

Ozrel, no longer needing to hold the second jar closed, stood and punched the skeleton to no effect.  Vorgand struck at the skeleton with her sword and hit but to no effect.  The skeleton attempted to break free of the rope and failed, which sealed its fate.  When Ricky hit it with Dark Leaching again, the skeleton crumbled to dust.

After everyone caught their breath, they prepared to attack the skeleton remaining in the last spirit jar.  Zarek reconfigured his lightning spell [to be Armor Piercing and Burst, which would spend a whopping 21 Endurance when cast].

Once everyone was ready and in place, Jala dis-engaged the rope of entanglement.  When the orange flame skeleton formed up, they all attacked it with Zarek getting in the final hit with his spell, destroying the skeleton.

While Zarek panted from the effort, Ricky inspected the sarcophagus.  The lid depicted an elf holding a gold bowl in one hand and a spear with a flaming blade in the other [I should have also put the elf in a Grendel mask (from the comic Mage) but I only now thought of that].  Notable jewelry was a ruby covered cloak clasp and the rune amulet.  Inside the sarcophagus they found the expected elf corpse with the spear, bowl, clasp, and amulet.  Zarek inspected the spear and found a command word in Ancient Elven on it [“Burn”].  He asked Ricky how the word was pronounced and tested it out.  The spear’s blade lit up with orange fire, the same color as the flames on the two skeletons the Delvers had just defeated.  Further testing would need to wait until later.

Out of a sense of completeness [and not wanting to leave any potential loot behind], the Delvers spent the next hour breaking into the remaining three crypts to verify they had been looted in the past.  They had been, but a small gold cup was found in one where it had fallen behind the stripped lid of the sarcophagus.

Tired and hungry, the delvers finally decided to call it a day and return to the Moon Manor.  They made their way up the Sloped Gallery to the portal room at the top, set it for Moon Manor, and stepped through.

7:00 PM

After an exhausted 30-minute climb back to the surface, they discovered that the sun had long set.  Vorgand asked Torsten what supplies the Torchbearers needed.  Torsten requested a small keg of tar to finish waterproofing the repaired rooves, 20 feet of gutters, more fresh food and goats, and chicken wire to make a proper area for the chickens to graze.  Vorgand agreed to bring those back inside the next week, depending on how long it took to gather it all up.  Torsten also suggested getting the outer walls of the ruins repaired for better security, something Vorgand agreed with.

While the Torchbearers returned to old chapel to make their dinner and rest, the Delvers went back under the ruins to Ricky’s gate room and used the gate to return to the Guildhall in Aegea City.  Very tired and very hungry, the Delvers made their way over to The Library for drinks and dinner.

After the meal, Zarek asked Ricky for advice on researching elven magic items.  Ricky told him where the relevant books were in the University Library [an actual library, as opposed to The Library, which was a student drinking place].

After the rest went to sleep, Ricky spent the evening studying the various orbs and scrolls the group had looted from the crypts for useful information.

End of Session

Guild Postings

[Sorry this was late.  It’s been a week where focus has been hard to maintain, especially today.]

Delvers Guild

Guild Organizational Document

Arc 1

Arc 1 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 1 sessions

Arc 2

Arc 2 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 2 sessions, as they post

Last Session: Arc 2, Session 13

Next Session: Arc 2, Session 15

Friday, June 17, 2022

Delvers Guild – Arc 2, Session 13 – Two More Crypts Looted and Lids Stashed

[December 14 – 5th session for December 14.  This session 2 more crypts are looted and time is spent figuring out how to get loot home.]

[This game uses the Fifth Revised Edition of the Hero System rules along with the Fantasy Hero supplement.  This session happened May 9, 2022.]

Player Characters:

Jala – human female – a person of discretion, studier of Pact Magic with a focus on shadows

Ozrel Runeweaver – human male – Pugilist and Rune Magician

Zarek the Red – fox male – Golem-mancer

Vorgand – human female – Guildmaster and Chief Combatant for the Delvers Guild

Ricky the Astrologer – human male – Newly-minted specialist in Magic Circles and Teleportation Gates

Non-Player Characters:

Torsten, Fish, Harek – ex-bandits, now The Torchbearers for the Delvers Guild

Yggsday, December 14th, 1st year of the reign of King Vladik the Gamesman

Having just opened a second crypt for the day, Ozrel ran forward and held down the lid of one of the two spirit jars.  Vorgand was caught nearly flat-footed by this action [she thought they were joking when Ricky suggested it] and the other lid slid aside, allowing the void skeleton inside to start forming.  This triggered a spell Zarek had stacked and a lightning bolt slammed into the forming skeleton [11 Body, Armor Piercing].  Unfortunately, that was not enough to destroy the void skeleton and its magic suppression field flowed out once it finished assembling itself [38 points of suppression on all magic].  Vorgand finally closed with the skeleton and swept it with three attack, hitting all three times.

Vorgand quickly dispatched the skeleton with her next barrage of attacks.  Zarek switched his spell [to Armor Piercing, Blast] and Ricky moved in.  On a signal, Ozrel released the lid on the spirit jar he was holding closed.  As the void skeleton inside started to form [but before its suppression field started], the Delvers unleashed their various attacks, destroying it before it fully formed.

After the group caught their breath, they examined the sarcophagus in the crypt.  Ricky recognized the name of the elf on the sarcophagus as one of the hero elves in the main hallway, Tomakivka of Ubleth.  He had no idea where Ubleth might be, having never heard of it before.  Ricky and Ozrel lifted the sarcophagus lid with Vorgand ready to hit anything that moved inside.

Inside was a long dead and inanimate elf corpse.  While its burial clothes were little more than shreds, the personal decorations were still in good condition.  Zarek quickly cast Detect Magic and one of the two necklaces the body was wearing radiated magic.  It had an amulet with the same unknown rune from the Delvers discovered in the previous crypt.  Ricky checked his [eidetic] memory and realized that all the hero elves in the main hallway were depicted wearing this necklace and amulet.

In addition to the magic amulet, they retrieved an orb made of ebon [solidified shadow], an adamantine lapel pin with a morganite gem, an iron coronet with a ruby flanked on each side by 2 beryls, and a non-magical iron necklace with an emerald pendant.  All of these were carefully removed and placed in the loot bag.

Avarice engaged, the Delvers decided to open the last crypt in this side hall.  Zarek stacked two castings of his Lightning spell [configured to be Armor Piercing] with a trigger of him seeing skeletons.  Ricky then spent time with the sledgehammer removing the plaster covering the door.  Ozrel and Vorgand took position as Ricky cast Dark Leaching on the granite door.  Ozrel charged through the door, letting the dust of it flow off him like water, and held down the lid of the right-hand spirit jar in the crypt.  Vorgand immediately followed Ozrel and secured the lid of the left-hand spirit jar.  Once the rest of the group was ready, Vorgand released her jar lid and the adventurers quickly destroyed the skeleton within.  They then repeated this with the skeleton Ozrel had bottled up, clearing the crypt of threats quickly and efficiently.  [I didn’t bother running the combat as they had a plan that clearly worked.]

The sarcophagus in this crypt belonged to Gaderian Greylash.  Inside was another rune amulet and four other pieces of jewelry: a bone bracelet with several green gems in it [2 cat’s eyes, green agate, malachite, jade, green topaz], a bone armband, a headband made of animal hair with a beak as a crest, and a green opal orb with elven inscriptions.

At this point, Ricky realized that the distinctive jewelry they found on the corpses was shown in the murals of the elven heroes, including the orbs.  This included the mural of Hefhauer.  Ricky thought back to their interactions with the elf and thought he remembered seeing the chain of the rune amulet peeking out of Hefhauer’s armor.

Hungry and tired, the Delvers paused in their explorations to eat and rest.  During this rest, they discussed the weight of various things they wanted to take with them, including the gold offering tray from the shrine [17 kg] and the individual sarcophagus lids.  With the magical strength enhancements that Vorgand and Ozrel had, moving the lids around was not difficult, but getting them through the anti-magic zone in the sloped galley was another matter.  This discussion and meal took an hour or so before they felt they had a viable plan.

Once they had a plan, they decided to implement it.  It took Vorgand and Ozrel four attempts to get the three sarcophagus lids across the anti-magic zone [the first trip failed and nearly crushed Vorgand under the lid, so they tried again].  Once the lids were past the anti-magic zone, the group used what ropes they had and brute strength to haul each lid to the top of the sloped gallery where the portal was located.  This took a couple hours more.

Looking at the dreadfully heavy lids and not looking forward to hauling them through the portal to the Moon manor and then maybe back through again to the moon, Vorgand thought to try setting the portal cubes to the moon base setting.  The group was pleasantly surprised when the gate opened to the moon!

Vorgand and Ozrel hauled the sarcophagus lids to the treasure storage room in the moon base [the first room inside the base so they had easy access to it]  and stored them there with the other highly-identifiable elven treasure they were hiding.  While they did that, Ricky stood in the area between the portal and the moon base and looked back at the world.  He memorized what he could see of the world from this location, believing that what he could see would give a clue as to where the Stone Halls were actually located.  He also realized he could start drawing significantly more accurate maps of the world than anyone else as he could see the actual shapes of the land and waters.

Once the sarcophagus lids were safely stored on the moon, the Delvers returned to the Stone Halls to open more crypts.

End of Session

Guild Postings

[This past week was an emotional rollercoaster due to unexpected expenses, which is why this posting is late.]

[This session was pretty straight-forward.  I didn’t actually have the names of the elves they were grave robbing for this session, but had them by next session.  I merely told Ricky’s player that Ricky recognized the names from the earlier hallway murals.  I also randomly determined the grave goods at the table, which is not best, but the players were OK with it.  After this session I worked out all the treasure in the remaining crypts, including magic items where applicable, so it went faster.  Don’t be afraid to improvise on the spot, but it is better to have things worked out ahead of time.  At the very least it lets you work out other plot links in time to insert them.]

Delvers Guild

Guild Organizational Document

Arc 1

Arc 1 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 1 sessions

Arc 2

Arc 2 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 2 sessions, as they post

Last Session: Arc 2, Session 12

Next Session: Arc 2, Session 14

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Delvers Guild – Arc 2, Session 12 – More looting!

[December 14 – 4th session for December 14 and the tombs are looted, which led to a nasty surprise!]

[This game uses the Fifth Revised Edition of the Hero System rules along with the Fantasy Hero supplement.  This session happened May 2, 2022.]

Player Characters:

Jala – human female – a person of discretion, studier of Pact Magic with a focus on shadows

Ozrel Runeweaver – human male – Pugilist and Rune Magician

Ricky the Astrologer – human male – Newly-minted specialist in Magic Circles and Teleportation Gates

Via Roll20

Zarek the Red – fox male – Golem-mancer

Vorgand – human female – Guildmaster and Chief Combatant for the Delvers Guild

Non-Player Characters:

Torsten, Fish, Harek – ex-bandits, now The Torchbearers for the Delvers Guild

Lars – Chamberlain of the Delvers Guild

Unit: Z0-E – Zarek’s first golem, looks like a fox made of iron

Yggsday, December 14th, 1st year of the reign of King Vladik the Gamesman

Having opened the tomb and entered, the Delvers were expecting each spirit jar to release a blue flame skeleton.  They gritted their teeth and prepared tight hard.  What they got was something slightly different.

One skeleton assembled itself from each of the two spirit jars, but instead of their skulls erupting in blue flame, they released  a field that dimmed the light from the torches and Vorgand’s sword, caused much of the protective rocks from Zarek’s Stoney Skin spell to fall off, and Ozrel’s runes to go out completely.  The field extended out into the corridor, nearly to the corner with the main hall!  [The effect was 10d6 suppression of all magic, 10”r, 0 END – the darkening of the light was just a special effect.]

Vorgand advanced on the first skeleton and attacked it, wounding it significantly.  Ozrel moved up next to Vorgand and performed a legsweep on the other skeleton, doing little damage as it kept its feet [made an Acrobatics check to stay standing].  The skeletons clawed back at the two adventurers, but only Ozrel was hit.  Jala retreated to the edge of the dimness.  Zarek floated slowly to see the skeletons, which triggered his two stacked burst lightning spells.  Due to tight quarters [and terrible rolls], only two of the six burst shots hit the second skeleton and splashed off it, doing no damage AND two of the bolts hit Ozrel.  Luckily, the suppression field kept the two that hit Ozrel from doing any significant damage.  Ricky moved to a more advantageous spot for running or fighting, whichever became necessary.

Vorgand performed a three-attack sweep on the skeleton she was fighting, doing reasonable damage, but these skeletons could take more damage and so it continued to fight.  Ozrel held his action, preparing to block his opponent.  Vorgand’s opponent just missed her with its claws.  When Ozrel’s opponent attacked, he used his saved action to block its attack!  Jala stepped out of the suppression field but did not run for the portal.  Zarek attacked Ozrel’s skeleton and missed while Ricky continued to hold.

Vorgand attempted a three-hit sweep, with two attacks on the skeleton she was facing [which she hoped would be enough to destroy it] and one on the skeleton fighting Ozrel.  She hit all three times, but just failed to take out the first skeleton [it had more Body that she expected].  Ozrel, having blocked his opponent, followed up with a counterstrike, hitting the skeleton but only doing minimal damage.  Vorgand’s opponent hit her in the hand for no effect and Ozrel’s opponent missed entirely.  Jala and Ricky continued to hold position while Zarek advanced and cast a lightning bolt at Vorgand’s opponent, but the spell splashed off the skeleton harmlessly [a combination of the area effect suppress and the increased Energy Defense these skeletons had].

Vorgand, believing that the skeletons were well below her in combat skills attempted a four-hit sweep, planning to split the attacks evenly between the two skeletons.  Unfortunately, her first strike missed, invalidating the rest of her sweep.  [She rolled terribly on the first attack which ended the sweep.]  Ozrel had similar problems, his Branding Strike went wide and he clipped the wall instead of his opponent.  The skeletons, suddenly recognizing Zarek as a spellcaster, reverted to their original programming and both threw their skulls at the flying fox.  Both hit to no effect [his remaining protective magics were just enough to stop the damage], but the black flames continued to burn on him [they were continuous…and sticky, which the players did not learn until later].  Zarek cast again at Vorgand’s opponent, hitting again, but again for no damage.  Jala and Ricky continued to hold out in the hallway, both convinced they were useless in this fight.

Vorgand, starting to feel a little desperate, attempted a three-hit sweep, one attack on her opponent and two on Ozrel’s.  All three hit and this time her opponent went down and a pile of bone shards!  Ozrel struck the remaining skeleton for some damage, but it remained standing.  That skeleton reacted to Vorgand destroying its companion by throwing its [reformed] skull at her, hitting her in the vitals for minimal damage.  The fire on Zarek continued to burn, but also for minimal effect.  Zarek switched up his spell to make it Armor Piercing and this time did damage when he hit.

Vorgand, scrapping the bottom of her endurance, attempted only a two-hit sweep on the remaining skeleton.  She hit both times for no effect, doing more to herself from the extreme effort.  [She spent 8 points of Endurance more than she had left and took 4d6 Stun damage as a result, doing more to herself than the skeletons had total in this fight.]  Ozrel put as much as he could behind another strike [pushed his Strength for another Damage Class] and landed a blow that shook the skeleton but failed to drop it.  The skeleton threw its skull at Ozrel this time, landing an ineffectual blow that kept burning.  The fires on Zarek and Vorgand continued to burn.  Zarek fired one last lightning attack, finally destroying the skeleton, ending the suppression field and the burning black fires.

After catching their breath, the adventurers opened the sarcophagus, finding a long dead elf.  The elf corpse wore four pieces of gold jewelry plus a magical amulet with an unusual rune on it.

Jala started prying the gems off the exterior of the sarcophagus but stopped when Vorgand and Ozrel started testing its weight to see if they could move it.  They decided that they could with the magical assistance granted them, but once they got to the anti-magic zone in the sloped gallery, they would drop it.  The lid to the sarcophagus was lighter and they believed they could get it through the anti-magic zone with just their natural strength, so they moved it over to the base of the sloped gallery for later.

Having sorted that out, the group decided to open the next crypt forward in the left hall.  While using the sledge hammer to remove the plaster concealing the granite slab behind it, Ricky joked that Ozrel and Vorgand could rush into the crypt if there were more spirit jars and hold the lids on.  Once the slab was exposed, Ricky cast Dark Leeching on it and Ozrel punched it, causing the block to turn to dust and flow to the floor.

The crypt beyond held another sarcophagus and two spirit jars, which started shaking.  Ozrel, thinking Ricky’s idea was valid, rushed in and held one of the jars closed against the struggles of the skeleton inside.  Vorgand, not realizing they were actually going to try this was a split second slower and the second jar’s slid of before she could get to it, allowing the second skeleton to rise up and its magic suppression field to flow out.

End of Session

Guild Postings

[We skipped a week before playing this session as I had jury duty the day of our game.  I wasn’t selected, but the early wake up time compared to what I have become accustomed to really knocked it out of me and I was too tired to run.  Plus, there was a small chance I might have been exposed to Covid, even with the measures taken by the courts to avoid that, so delaying a week was acceptable all around.]

[This session we learned another change in the rules unique to 5th Edition Hero System.  Sweeps work slightly differently than they have in the past.  In past editions, you announced a sweep, selected your starting target, and then if you hit you could go on to an adjacent target with each attack after the first gaining a cumulative -2 OCV penalty until you missed.  In 5th edition, you have to declare all of your targets up front and every attack has a penalty to OCV equal to the number of attacks minus one, multiplied by -2.  So if you declare three attacks, all three are at -4 OCV.  A subtle but significant change.  Once we realized this (mid-combat), we switched to the new rule and continued smoothly.  I think I like this rule over the previous version as it sets the number of attacks up front, which speeds up combat, something Hero System desperately needs.]

Delvers Guild

Guild Organizational Document

Arc 1

Arc 1 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 1 sessions

Arc 2

Arc 2 Landing Page – Links to all Arc 2 sessions, as they post

Last Session: Arc 2, Session 11

Next Session: Arc 2, Session 13

Thursday, June 2, 2022

No Session Notes This Week Due to Edits

 No session notes this week.  I needed the time to wrap up the Draft D edits of Adventures in the Green, Book II, and prep for the playtest of the wilderness exploration rules.  I have a separate rules booklet for the Exploration rules but need to finish the map and stock it with encounters for the playtest.

The playtest will run weekly from June 13 to July 13 with June 13 being a session 0 for creating name-level characters and equipping them.  Equipping will require some planning on the playtesters' part, so I want to devote a session to that before the actual exploration starts.